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How to live life for half the price

Live Life For Half The Price

By Mary Hunt It’s a benchmark, a goal, a mindset – a kind of game I play with myself. Whatever the price tag – real or perceived – I challenge myself to find a way to get it down to “half the price.” Here’s an example. Harold and I make a business trip to California […]

Why I appreci-hate Credit Cards

Why I Appreci-Hate Credit Cards

By Mary Hunt Erma Bombeck, the late humorist, summed up family relationships when she spoke of “the ties that bind… and gag!” That just makes me laugh because it is such a colorful word picture. Maybe you’ve thought this from time to time: “Family – can’t live with ’em, and can’t live without ’em!” The […]

5 easy ways to boost your income

5 Easy Ways To Boost Your Income

By Mary Hunt Of all the people I know and love, I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t welcome a small income boost this month – or any month, for that matter. Whether you’re between jobs, figuring out how to cover a bill or hoping to stash more cash into savings, get your creative juices […]

Money saving tips

Readers Share Their Best Tips For Saving Time And Money

By Mary Hunt I love opening my email inbox where messages with favorite tips land. Some days, it’s bulging; other days, not so much. But every day, your messages of support, love and occasionally a great tip charge my batteries and confirm how much we need one another. Enjoy the following tips from your fellow […]

8 traits of successful entrepreneurs

8 Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs

By Mary Hunt People who can take an idea and turn it into a living are not particularly unique. But they do seem to have certain personality traits in common. Do you have what it takes to turn your talents into profits? No. 1: Collaboration. At the top of the list for successful entrepreneurs is […]

Tips for improving your home selling price

12 Improvements To Increase Your Home Selling Price

By Mary Hunt Selling soon? You’re about to learn that when it comes to selling a house, you “can” judge a book by its cover. Some call it curb appeal. I call it the little things that get potential buyers through the front door, and that’s what matters most. If you have a limited budget […]

How far would you go to save gas?

How Far Would You Go To Save Gas?

By Mary Hunt Hypermiling may sound like the latest popular adrenaline-inducing extreme sport, but not so, unless you consider extreme gas conservation a sport. Some drivers and online groups have adopted “hypermiling” as a way to combat high gas prices by changing the way they drive. It’s a hyperactive driving technique for saving money. Hypermiling […]