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Hear The Shepherds’ Voice

By Glenn Miller

GOD’S WORD: “I am the good shepherd. I know My sheep and My sheep know Me; just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father. And I lay down My life for the sheep.” – John 10: 14-15

The world that you and I have woken into this morning will have several competing voices trying to gain our attention in order to influence our hearts, minds, and actions. Many of these voices will clearly be in opposition with one another so it’s often difficult to decide which voice speaks truth and which voice speaks lies. In order to distinguish the voice of truth from the voice of lies, one gravitates to the voice they are most intimate with; the voice in which they have usually placed their trust over time…even to the point of shutting out the other voice as being the truth. So, the question I have this morning: What voice(s) am I developing intimacy with?

We develop intimacy with a voice by listening to that voice over and over; spending time with that person; knowing and understanding the heart, nature, and character of that person; experiencing life events with that person to the point of trusting them and in doing so, knowing that what they say wouldn’t lead you wrongly.

When my wife Sharon or my daughter Lacey or any of my close relatives and friends call me on the phone, they don’t have to introduce themselves because they know that I will recognize their voice and they will recognize mine. We recognize one another’s voices because of the close relationships we have. God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is constantly speaking to us. He is our Good Shepherd who wants only the best for us. His words to us are delivered to provide us safety, direction, love, peace, mercy, and grace. Never are His words meant to condemn us (Romans 8:1) nor are they meant to rebuke us or punish us because Jesus has already paid the cost of our sins upon the cross for those who have accepted Him as Lord and Savior. His words, however, often convict us of our wrongdoing only for the purpose of causing us to repent (change our minds) and turn back to God. All because He loves us, the way a Good Shepherd loves His flock and is willing to give His life for His sheep. You and I can trust the voice of the Shepherd.

Do you recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd speaking to you? Can you distinguish it from the enemy’s? Do you want to develop a more intimate relationship with that voice to where you hear Him more often and more clearly?

If so, spend more intimate time in His presence by reading His Word (Bible) and learning of His character and His nature. Spend more time reflecting upon His love for you and your identity as a child of God through meditation and practicing the presence of God.

Crawl up into the Shepherd’s lap like a small child, saying nothing at all.

Feel His heartbeat.

Take in His breath upon you.

Take refuge in His protective arms, assuring you that the wolves of the world have been rendered useless in His presence.

ip Staff Report

Hear The Shepherds’ Voice

Power To Choose

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