Melissa Sanches: The Triumphant Business Executive

“I never saw myself as a victim or a child with less. My focus remained in one fact – I will be whoever I want to be because God has so much more of a purpose for me.”
Melissa Sanches
By Joycelyne Fadojutimi
Photo by Michael Cavazos
Melissa Sanches is such a brilliant woman that she started attending Kilgore College even before graduating from Pine Tree High School. It was not an easy trip.
Today, Melissa is very accomplished despite coming from an indigent single parent home. Her mother Cindy Golden raised Melissa and her siblings who despite mental illness did her best. They endured homelessness, living with family members, in homeless shelters and passing through eight housing apartment complexes. But that is not all.
Melissa spent some time with her father in Mexico when she was thirteen and was there for his funeral when he was murdered. Her success in adult life is a testament to her drive, competence, and industry, as she and her younger siblings are testaments to the success that comes from strong work ethic.
Her sister Monica Golden is twenty-two months younger and works in upper management with J.P. Morgan. Brother Juquin Gallardo is nine years younger and has mental health disorders and is under her tender support. Brother Carlos Campozano is sixteen years younger and works with unselfishness and skill as a personal trainer.
Melissa herself has worked since 2012 as a bilingual realtor. She considers it a privilege to guide her clients through the complex processes of buying, selling, and investing in land throughout East Texas. Helping others realize their lifetime goals is her passion. Her educational background prepared her for this calling.
After graduating from Kilgore College with an associate degree in psychology she moved on to the University of North Texas and pulled down a bachelor’s degree in psychology, both degrees with honors. This training taught her not only how to best care for her brother, but how to deal with others in making serious, lifetime-affecting family decisions.
In addition, she finds time for physical fitness. “I’ve always been pretty flexible,” she says. “I still do yoga and bootcamp/workout pretty regularly. I was in competitive dance in junior and senior high school, and swing dancing, Latin and hip-hop.”
She credits several significant, praiseworthy women for steering her down the straight and narrow. When asked who has had the greatest impact on her life she answers quickly and with conviction:
“The were many strong women mentors at different points in my life. Mrs. Russell in junior high and high school, Mrs. Tallavera and Bindy Tice at Kilgore College, Phyllis Wolper and Miogene Alexander with Real Estate.”
Although she has called the East Texas communities of Union Grove and Gilmer home, her heart is in Longview. Her core business and civic engagements are in her beloved city of Longview. Hence, she is a member of the Longview Chamber of Commerce, Longview Connections, Longview Hispanic Business Alliance and LAAR Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee.
In addition, she uses her time, talents and treasures to volunteer and sponsor various events in Longview including: The City of Longview Unity and Diversity Honors Luncheon, Martin House Boots, Bags and Bingo; Perlas Y Tiaras Gala For Latinas That Overcame Hardships, Education by Design, Basketball Club Foundation, NETX FCA and Spring Hill Assembly of God.
Somehow, she manages to handle all these super worthy causes while also making time for purely enjoyable pursuits.
“I love family gatherings, dancing, singing, working out and just doing things to bring smiles to others’ faces,” she says.
Her greatest motivation is not only breaking her family’s long history of poverty, but to make sure she does the same for others. She is determined to ensure as many as possible will not have to grow up under others’ roofs or no roofs at all. The eternal American dream of home ownership is something she toils to bring to as many as she can. Her labors have not gone unnoticed.
Through the years she has earned accolades by NAHRAP, North DFW Real Producers, D Magazine, 360 West and Top Ten of C21JFC. Latina business owner that she is, she eagerly serves on the board of the Century 21 Advisory Council and the Longview Hispanic Business Alliance. Her devotion to her clients has won her a Centurian Award, Pinnacle Quality Service Award, and the President’s Quality Service Award. Furthermore, she sits on the boards of Realtors TREPAC Committee and the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. She has words of wisdom for the next generation of young women entrepreneurs.
“Create the life that you want by setting goals and visualizing them as completed for yourself each year,” she says. “Have faith to know God can give you the strength and resources regardless of where you’re coming from through the power of prayer and by serving others with love.”
Melissa backs up her advice with divine words, “Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives. The one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Mathew 7:7-8
Then there is: “Let all that you do be done in love.” 1 Corinthians 16:14
Melissa’s accomplishments are embedded in her trust in God and positive self-image.
“I never saw myself as a victim or a child of less. My focus remained in one fact – I will be whoever I want to be because God has so much more of a purpose for me,” she says.

I love family gatherings, dancing, singing, working out and just doing things to bring smiles to others.
Melissa Sanches
Photo by Michael Cavazos