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Practicing Patience

Practicing Patience: Monday Inspiration from Glenn Miller

By Glenn Miller

GODโ€™S WORD: โ€œThe Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.โ€ โ€“ 2 Peter 3:9

Why is patience such a difficult trait for me to master? Perhaps itโ€™s because I was raised in an automated world where everything is at oneโ€™s fingertips and immediate results are only a push button away. With microwaves, remote controls, cell phones, ATM machines, and the Internet, thereโ€™s hardly anything on this planet that isnโ€™t attainable to us within a matter of just a few hours.

Somehow, we have transcribed that same efficient demand upon people. We expect others, and perhaps ourselves, to behave in that same manner: Do things right, do them right now, and do them to my specifications! As a matter of fact, all of my management training underlined the premise that leadership is all about expecting and encouraging others into a quicker, more efficient performance. Quicker is better because quicker saves time and time-saved equals more money. Slow, thoughtful, methodical thinkers are usually left behind on the sidelines in todayโ€™s corporate world. No corporate philosophy, it seems, has time for patience, perhaps due to a fear that your competitor is much more efficient than you. Individuals are no different.

But as I think more about my own ability to be patient, I feel that my struggle in this area has more to do with inter-personal relationships and my relationship with God more than it does with losing my temper in a traffic snarl or becoming flustered with a co-workerโ€™s lack of urgency. Iโ€™ve come to realize after reflecting on patience, that I am not nearly as patient as I thought I was. Admittedly, I had previously associated patience with โ€œmeeknessโ€ and a โ€œcool, calm demeanor.โ€ As long as I didnโ€™t project my anxiety and impatience, then I felt I was behaving patiently. But look inside me a little deeper.

Here it is where I find my true authentic self and come to know that itโ€™s the bigger things in life that I struggle with being patient the most; things like waiting on God to show me what His will is for me in a particular situation or, most recently, being patient with myself when I fall into lapses of spiritual and emotional growth.

At the heart of being patient is one authentic premise, I believe. I can be patient with myself and with others because God is patient with me. Thanks be to God!

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Practicing Patience

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